Helper Scripts

A few python scripts are included in the scripts subdirectory. These scripts are not part of the core wobble functionality but may be helpful as guides for doing a few common operations related to wobble.

Making the Data

The script is intended to reformat HARPS data into an HDF5 file that is readable by wobble.

As an example, let’s say that you have a set of HARPS spectra and their corresponding calibration data saved in the directory /path/to/files. You could write a custom script to reformat these data as follows:

from .make_data import read_data_from_fits, write_data, dimensions
import glob
filelist = glob.glob('/path/to/files/HARPS*ccf_*_A.fits') # list all star CCF files
data = read_data_from_fits(filelist)
write_data(*data, filelist, '../data/filename.hdf5')

Now the data are formatted, saved, and ready to be loaded with:

import wobble
data = wobble.Data('filename.hdf5')

If you’ve downloaded these data from the ESO archive, you may not have the wavelength calibration files. A helper function is provided to create a list of all missing wavelength files, which you can then download from the HARPS calibration archive:

from .make_data import missing_wavelength_files
missing = missing_wavelength_files(filelist)

All wavelength calibration files must be in place for the data to be reformatted successfully.

Tuning Regularization Parameters

Regularization is an important part of wobble’s functionality. To get the best possible results for any given data set, the regularization strengths should be tuned to suit these data. We do this with a cross-validation scheme.

The script provides a framework for executing this cross-validation and saving the results in a wobble-friendly format.

Running wobble

Once the data have been processed and the regularization amplitudes have been set, running wobble should be a straightforward procedure. An overview can be found in the Quickstart section. As further examples, the scripts used to run the three analyses performed in the paper can be found under,, and